Hi there. My name is Wendy and I welcome you to my blog. Being independent, especially if you are a woman who is trying to prove to anyone that you can do anything on your own, has taught me a lot of things. And as you grow older, all the lessons you learn can save you a volume of tears. That is why involving myself to a hobby that will let me be ‘me’ is very important to me. It’s cliché to say that you should do the things that make you happy, but it’s really true especially if you are alone.

I thought of joining a lot of workshops about plants, gardening and landscaping. I don’t do it professionally (yet) but I have been modifying a lot in the house for quite some time now. There are so many DIY stuff that can save you money. Well I must admit some projects are taking time, but no one’s in a hurry. The longer you do it, the more you get skilled and expert about it (that works for me). There is really a difference between doing it for money and doing it just because you love doing it. Well the latter never fails me to be satisfied everyday. Which is why I even opted to do a blog about it. And I’m gonna keep it running for long. I hope we can share our love for this craft through this medium. Cheers!